Specialization : English Language Teaching (ELT), English Phonetics
Total Experience : 19 Years
JNTUH ID : 2704-241029-144122
AICTE ID : 1-44741886358
E-Mail : yellamandavusa@gmail.com
Published a paper entitled on “NETIQUETTE FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN ENGLISH CLASSROOMS” International Journal of Advanced Research, (IJAR), ISSN: 2320- 5407, July, 2024.
Presentations in International Conferences
Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Modern Drama—East & West on 8th & 9th March 2004 conducted by Directorate of Distance Education, SV University Tirupathi.
On communication skills for professional Excellence on 24th March, 2017 at PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
Actively participated in the One-Day National Workshop on “The student-centered teaching method” on 16th February 2018, organized by the department of English, Govt. Degree college for women, Guntur.
Actively participated in the One-Day National Workshop (UGC sponsored) on ‘English Accent Training: A Trainer Training Programme’ organized by the department of English, KBN college Vijayawada, on 25th November 2017.
Successfully completed the ‘Propell workshop for the TOFEL iBT®test’ in listening, reading, speaking and writing, conducted by ETS on 18thNovember 2017 at Guntur.
Participated in One- Day workshop on “Communication for an Inclusive Classroom” on 25thMarch, 2017 conducted by Dept. of English SRKIT, Vijayawada.
Participated in the One- Week National level workshop on “21stcentury teaching methodologies” sponsored by TEQIP-II at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university Kakinada, held from 24thto 28thOctober 2016.
Attended a One-Day Workshop on ‘Task- based language teaching’ conducted by Gudlavalleru Engineering College on16-07-2016 at Gudlavalleru.
Participated inUGC sponsored One Day National Workshop on ESL Classrooms: Meeting Curricular and Corporate Goals held on 21st August,2018 at KBN college Vijayawada
Faculty development programs attended
Participated in Faculty Improvement Programme for 5 days on “Instructional Design and Delivery system” sponsored by National Institute Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai, Govt of India Ministry of Human Resource Development from 1stJune2010 to 5thJune 2010.
Participated in One - Week Faculty Development Programme from 7thJune2016 to 15th June2016 conducted by SRKIT Vijayawada.